

Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Attack of the half wig

So, I am challenging myself to grow my hair out and because of my profession I have chosen a half wig to help out with the monotony of protective styles, but as I wear this thing every day, I grow more and more disenchanted. I miss my hair, I miss seeing my hair. I almost feel like I am cheating on my natural hair journey.  Last night I went to work out and I plopped the wig on knowing that It would be hot and scratchy. I began to recent it, and even plot ways of destroying it, but wait it is good to me. I get dressed in under 10 minutes every day, it’s really cute, and it kind of looks like my hair, so why do I hate it so much.  I have secret thoughts of ripping it off and going into a dance waving it in the air singing,  “If I can, make it there, then I can, make it anywhere, New York, New York, New York, Neeeewwwwwww Yoooooork” , High kicks and all……but then I remember all of the benefits I am getting from not manipulating my hair and keeping my ends buried neatly under the wig, ******sigh****** I have got to get a plan for professional protective style with low maintenance…stay tuned!

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