

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Homemade Deep Conditioner Recipes

Deep conditioning your hair is essential for strength and added moisture, and there are several different types aimed to add the strength that you need. First let’s take a strand test to understand which conditioner is best:

To do the strand test, take one of your ‘shed’ hairs and wet it. (Note, the difference between a ‘shed’ hair and a hair that has broken off is the ‘shed’ hair will have a little white bulb on the end)

While holding each end of the hair and stretching it:
-If the hair stretches slightly and returns to its original length without breaking, you are balanced.
-If the hair stretches and continues to stretch or stretches a little more than it should and then breaks (snaps), then you need more protein in your regimen.
-If the hair has very little to no stretch to it and instantly breaks(snaps), then you need more moisture in your regime.

 For Manageability and Moisture  – Bananas, glycerin and  honey
This homemade conditioner improves the manageability of my hair for post-rinse styling. The secret is in the banana, which has a way of minimizing shrinkage and softening the hair when mixed with the other ingredients.  Meanwhile, glycerin and honey, which are both humectants, and olive oil, which is known to penetrate the hair, all contribute moisturizing benefits.  Do not be alarmed if you notice a loosening of your coils or curls with this conditioner; the effect is temporary until your next wash day. This recipe is ideal for naturals who want to achieve easier blow-outs or better stretched styles.

1 large overripe banana (sliced) OR 7 oz banana baby food
4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
2 tbsp pure vegetable glycerin
2 tbsp pure honey

Place the sliced banana, EVOO, gycerin, and honey all in a blender. Blend the ingredients thoroughly making sure no lumps or banana bits remain. (Depending on your blender quality, you may or may not have to then sieve the mixture.  Another option is to use banana baby food, though the conditioner may not be as effective.) Apply to hair and let sit for 30-45 minutes under a shower cap. Detangle, rinse thoroughly, and style as usual.

For Detangling and Moisture  – Avocados, olive oil, she butter
This homemade conditioner is lubricating, thick, and heavy, all of which give my kinks slip, moisture, and hang for detangling. The avocado’s meatiness and fatty acid content contribute to the effectiveness of this mixture.  Additionally, the fatty acids in the olive oil combined with the emollient properties of shea butter add even more lubrication and moisturizing benefits This conditioner is ideal for those with thick, dense hair and major shrinkage.

1 overripe avocado (sliced)
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil (EVOO)
1/2 cup unrefined shea butter

Place the sliced avocado, unrefined shea butter, EVOO, into a blender. (There is no need to melt the shea moisture ahead of time.)  Blend all the ingredients thoroughly and add more EVOO, if necessary, until the mixture reaches your desired consistency. When done, apply to the hair and let sit for 30-45 minutes under a shower cap. Detangle, rinse thoroughly, and style as usual.  

For Strengthening and Moisture  – coconut oil and honey
This conditioner is ideal for naturals whose hair dislikes protein conditioners but needs a bit of strengthening.  The key is the coconut oil which binds to the hair thus reducing keratin loss. Honey, a humectant, is also added to the mix to impart moisture retention.  I get the best of both worlds – moisture and strength – with this conditioner.  I personally use two servings of the recipe because my hair is really thick, dense, and naturally dry.

4 tbs of EVOO
2 tbs of Pure honey
(depending on hair density or length, you may use two servings of this recipe)

Place the coconut oil and honey in a small cup and place the cup in a large bowl of hot water.  Allow the cup to sit in the water for a few minutes until the mixture is warm.  Pour the mixture onto freshly washed but towel blotted hair.  Put on a shower cap, and wrap with a towel to prevent mixture from dripping onto face. Let it sit for 20 minutes, then rinse out 80-90% of the conditioner, and style as usual.

                         To strengthen the hair
 make your own protein treatment:


 One egg
¼ cup of mayonnaise and
4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
2 TBSP of Black Strap Molasses
½ cup of your favorite conditioner

This protein treatment should be done on dry hair before you co-wash with no heat. Leave on your hair anywhere from 30 minutes to 45minutes and rinse with COLD water ( hot water will cause the eggs to scramble and cook in your hair) once the egg treatment has been thoroughly rinsed out, co-wash hair then style.

Here is what I do:
Mix the ingredients in with my conditioner

The I place my hair in 4 sections and place the protein treatment in my hair for 30 to 45 minutes.


                             DC for Low porosity hair
Mix the following-
grapeseed oil 
 jojoba oil
argan oil
Allow to sit on hair for 20 minutes under a dryer then Rinse.
Watered down Conditioners work best for deep conditioning.

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